How do I use Sampler?

Sampler is an instrument that allows you to create your own 16-pad sound kit by either recording your own sounds, importing your own samples, or selecting from BandLab's massive collection of sample packs.    

Each Sampler Kit supports audio files up to 1-minute long. You can customize and save as many Sampler Kits as you want for use in any project, from any device.

Adding Samples
Web Mobile
  1. Select an empty pad and click on Record to record your own sound

  2. Select Import file to import your own samples from your computer

  3. Select Browse One-Shots to choose from our massive selection of samples

Editing your Samples

The Sample Editor allows you to change how your samples sound. You can also change the Play Mode for each pad:

Gate - plays the sample as long as you hold on the pad. 
One Shot - plays the entire length of the sample with a single tap on the pad
Loop - plays and repeats the sample over and over again as long as your finger is on the pad

Web Mobile
  1. Click a loaded pad to bring up the Sample Editor
  2. Click and hold on the waveform in the Preview Panel to listen to a preview of the sample
  3. Use the Left and Right indicators in the Preview Panel to isolate the section of the sample you'd like to use, then right-click and select Crop to remove the rest
  4. Right-clicking in the Preview Panel also presents you with the option to Normalize, Reverse, Copy, Paste, or Delete the sample 
  5. Use the knobs to change the Volume, Pan, Pitch, Attack, Release, and Tone of the sample
  6. Click Gate, One Shot, or Loop to select the Play Mode 


On both Web and Mobile, you can easily click/tap and hold on a pad in Pencil_icon_effects_Web.png mode, then drag it to another pad to duplicate it

Groups and Colors

Samples grouped together will mute each other when another sample in the same group is triggered. Only one sample can be heard at a time if they are in the same group, while pads in different groups can be triggered at the same time, overlapping each other. You can change the color of the pads to easily identify groups. 

For example; if the Play Mode for Pad 1, 2, and 3 are set to One Shot and are placed in Group 1, tapping on Pad 1 will start playback for Pad 1 but tap on Pad 2 and the playback for Pad 1 stops while Pad 2 starts playing. Subsequently, tapping on Pad 3 will stop playback for Pad 2.  If Pads 1, 2, and 3 are in different groups, tapping on any of them will not stop playback, allowing the sounds to overlap.

Web Mobile

Select a loaded pad to bring up the Sample Editor, then click on Group to assign it to a group number and click Color to change the color of the pad

Saving your Sampler Kit
Web Mobile

Click on Vertical_Triple_Dot.png More, give your kit a name, then click Create

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