Use the Automation feature on BandLab to automate your track's volume, pan, and effects. Here's how:
- Click on to toggle the automation lane
- Click on the dropdown list to choose either to automate the track's Volume, Pan, or any effect parameter
- Edit the automation by adding and moving breakpoints in the envelope
Automation Recording
With a MIDI controller, you can record automation instead of manually clicking and adding breakpoints to the envelope.
- Using the MIDI Mapping feature, assign a knob or fader to the parameter you wish to automate
- Click on to toggle the automation lane, then click on the Arm Automation Recording Icon:
- Select if you'd like to automate your track's Volume, Pan, or any of your inserted effect's parameters to create an automation lane for the selected parameter
- Click on Record to start recording, and move the assigned knob or fader to record the automation
- Tap on to toggle the automation lane
- Tap the dropdown list on a region to choose either to automate the track's Volume, Pan, or any effect parameter
- Edit the automation by adding and moving breakpoints in the envelope
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