How can I automate volume, pan, and effects?

Use the Automation feature on BandLab to automate your track's volume, pan, and effects. Here's how:

Web Mobile
  1. Click on  to toggle the automation lane
  2. Click on the dropdown list to choose either to automate the track's Volume, Pan, or any effect parameter
  3. Edit the automation by adding and moving breakpoints in the envelope


Automation Recording

With a MIDI controller, you can record automation instead of manually clicking and adding breakpoints to the envelope.

  1. Using the MIDI Mapping feature, assign a knob or fader to the parameter you wish to automate
  2. Click on to toggle the automation lane, then click on the Arm Automation Recording Icon:


  3. Select if you'd like to automate your track's Volume, Pan, or any of your inserted effect's parameters to create an automation lane for the selected parameter
  4. Click on SmartSelect_20210223-000349_Gallery.png Record to start recording, and move the assigned knob or fader to record the automation



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