You can now share your Presets with your friends. If you have not made your own presets, check out this article on creating your own customized preset.
- Open the Studio and start with any track.
- Click on the Fx Effects tab at the bottom-left of the screen.
- Select any of your own created presets under My Presets.
Click on the
Share Icon, and the two options to share your preset will appear.
i. Share On BandLab - You'll share your preset as a post on your profile feed.
ii. Copy URL -You'll have a link to share with any BandLab users.
- Open the Studio and start with any track.
- In the Audio Track View, tap on the Fx icon.
Select any of your own created Presets within the Preset Library and tap on
Triple-Dot Icon.
Tap on Share, and you can share a link to your preset.
Accessing an Fx Preset
Users with access to the preset you've shared will be able to open it in their Studio and save it as their own.
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