My Sounds FAQ

My Sounds aims to give you a way to manage your personal samples within the My Sounds Library, allowing you to create custom directories of sounds called My Sounds Collections.

My Sounds will allow you to upload external samples from different sources to the cloud and access them from any device. You can access a self-curated library of samples accessible over all platforms, be it on Mobile or Web. Samples can also be tagged to make searching for them much easier!

How do I upload samples to the My Sounds Library?
Web Mobile
  1. Open BandLab Studio
  2. Open the BandLab Sounds sidebar by clicking on the BandLab Sounds button in the bottom right corner
  3. Click the My Sounds button in the top right corner of the BandLab Sounds sidebar
  4. Click the Uploads tab
  5. Click Upload files or drag and drop the samples that you would like to upload 
  6. Uploading will start immediately
  7. Once uploaded, samples will be visible in the Uploads section of My Sounds

You may upload samples in bulk. Sample names are limited to a maximum of 100 characters.

Can everyone use the My Sounds feature?

The feature is only available to users with an active BandLab Membership.

How many samples can I have in the My Sounds Library?

You are allocated 2 GB of space to upload your samples.

Is there a limit to how long of a sample I can upload?

Sample uploads are limited to 1 minute in length.

What happens if I cancel my membership or my membership expires?

You will only be able to download or remove your uploaded samples. You will not be able to upload new samples.

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