BandLab Albums: Guidelines and Information

Making an Album on BandLab is 100% free. Before you get started, here are some guidelines and information for releasing an album on BandLab.

Terms of Use:

Albums created on BandLab should follow all policies agreed to upon signup, including: 

BandLab Terms of Use

Community Guidelines

Copyright Policy 

Privacy Policy

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I release an Album on BandLab?

It’s easy! Here’s a walkthrough of the entire process.

Are there restrictions on the type of content I can release in an Album?

Explicit or other forbidden content is not allowed in the Album title or artwork. If explicit language or content is used in the context of your tracks, be sure to add an Explicit Content Warning to the project(s) used.

A full list of forbidden content can be found in the Community Guidelines.

Are there restrictions on what type of album art I can use?

Album artwork is held to the same standards as audio content. We encourage you to make unique album art, as the inclusion of protected work can result in the album being removed.

The paid album service is no longer available. What happens to existing paid albums?
  • Anyone who has purchased your albums in the past will still have access to their purchases.
  • You’ll no longer be able to put new albums up for sale.
  • You can unpublish your existing paid albums if you don't want them to be free on BandLab.

Technical Details

  • BandLab supports the following file formats: wav, mp3, m4a, ogg, and aac 
  • Albums types include: Album, LP, EP, Mixtape, and Single
  • Up to 50 songs can be uploaded as an album
  • Up to 10 files  (10MB each) can be uploaded as bonus materials for fans to download once they purchase an album. Most image and video formats are supported
  • Listeners can listen or download Albums via web at, or via the BandLab app for iOS or Android
  • Downloads are delivered as M4As (96Kbps, 44.1 kHz).
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