How do I edit MIDI tracks?

The MIDI Editor lets you fine-tune your sound by adjusting note placements or tweaking velocity. Here's how to use it:

Web Mobile

Open up the editor by clicking on the MIDI Editor button at the bottom left corner of the screen. Here’s how to use the tools:

  •  - Selecting and moving notes
  •  - Drawing and changing the note’s length
  • - Adjusting the velocity of the notes
  • headphone_web.png - Activate the Headphones icon to preview the notes while editing
  • Legato - Use Legato when you want to tie the notes together, making them smoothly connected
  • Humanize - Use Humanize to make the notes less precise, giving them a "human" touch that is heard while playing an instrument
  • +1/-1 or +12/-12 - Adjust the pitch of the notes by moving them +/- 1 semitone at a time or +/- 12 semitones at a time. 
  • 1/1 to 1/32T Quantize - Adjust your notes to the closest time grid according to the Quantization value selected 
  • Smart View - Shows rows that belong to the selected scale or contain notes
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