What are the shortcuts for the Studio?

Keyboard shortcuts are only available on BandLab Web. They are located on the bottom right of the Studio, or you can toggle them using CTRL/⌘+ /. We've enabled search functions and categorized them to provide quick access to what you're strictly looking for.

Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 7.07.02 PM.png


Function Shortcut
Slice Region S
Quantize Note Q
Move Playhead/Note ← or →
Transport Note by 1 Semitone ↑ or
Transport Note by 12 Semitone SHIFT + ↑ or
Delete Region/Note  BACKSPACE or DELETE
Copy Region CTRL/⌘ + C
Cut Region CTRL/⌘ + X
Paste Region CTRL/⌘ + V
Select All Regions CTRL/⌘ + A
Undo CTRL/⌘ + Z
Redo SHIFT + ⌘ + Z
Move Playhead ← or →
Copy Region CTRL/⌘ + C
Cut Region CTRL/⌘ + X
Paste Region CTRL/⌘ + V
Save Revision CTRL/⌘ + S
Select All Regions CTRL/⌘ + A
Undo CTRL/⌘ + Z
Redo CTRL/⌘ + Shift + Z
Duplicate Region/Note

ALT/⌥ + Drag



Function Shortcut
Toggle Automation A
Toggle Cycle C
Toggle Velocity V
Mute SHIFT + M
Solo Track SHIFT + S  
Add Track  SHIFT + T
Duplicate Track SHIFT + D
Delete Track SHIFT + Delete



Function Shortcut
Toggle BandLab Sounds Browser L
Zoom Out ⌘ -
Zoom In ⌘ +
MIDI Editorial Vertical Zoom ⌥  - or +
Toggle Shortcut Tab CTRL/⌘+ /



Function Shortcut
Play/Stop  Space
Pause/Play from Start of Track/Cycle SHIFT + Space
Record/Stop Recording R
Set Playhead to Beginning of Project Enter or Return



Function Shortcut
Toggle Metronome M
Toggle Snap to Grid  G
Disable Snap to Grid/Turn off Note Insert Mode CTRL/⌘ + Hold
Arm Automation Recording SHIFT+ A



Function Shortcut
Save Revision CTRL/⌘ + S



Function Shortcut
Toggle Drum Machine Pattern Preview  SPACE  (While in Drum Machine View)
Toggle Drum Machine Live Mode  SHIFT + L
Previous/Next Sounds Preview ↑ or
Add automation point to selection Shift + Click
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