The BandLab Community consists of millions of creators that we consider our extended family. In the unfortunate event of one of our community members passing away, we offer friends and family different ways to remember their passion and art.
How do I report the passing of a BandLab community member?
Anyone can reach out to our team at with details regarding the passing of a BandLab community member. This request does not guarantee the page will be memorialized, as we require direct communication with family prior to making any account changes.
What will happen to the account?
Once the details are verified, our team will add a "Remembering" tag to memorialize the account. The account will continue to be searchable by users on BandLab so the music can continue to be shared and enjoyed by the community.
Can I gain access to the account or content in the account?
Once a page has been memorialized with the "Remembering" tag, the account will not be accessible for anyone to log in, post, or comment from. We prioritize the privacy and security of our users' data, and granting access to another person's account, even if they are deceased, could compromise this.
How can we stay connected with other friends and fans?
In addition to following the users you want to stay connected to, we encourage collaborators and close friends to create Bands to share music you had worked on together, stories, and positive messages to celebrate the life of the member who has passed. Works featured on the memorialized page can still be shared via the Band pages as well. Keep in mind, there is a 50 person limit for users within a Band, but Band pages can be shared and posts can be made public if you choose.
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