Unlisted revisions will not appear in public feeds such as the Home feed, on Profile pages or through the Search bar, nor will they be visible on your followers' feeds. However, unlisted posts are available via a direct link so you can still get plays, likes, comments and share your revision outside of BandLab.
You can unlist a revision during publishing or by updating the setting for an existing revision.
Publishing from the Studio
- Once you are done editing your revision, click Publish at the top right corner
- Toggle the Unlisted switch on
- Hit Publish
Updating Settings
- Go to your Library
- Click the
Triple Dot Icon next to the project and select View Project History
- Click the
Triple Dot Icon next to the published revision and select Revision Settings
- Toggle the Unlisted switch on
- Hit Save
Publishing from the Studio
- Tap on the
Cloud Node Icon at the top right corner of the screen
- Select Publish
- Tap on Additional Settings
- Toggle the Unlisted switch on
- Hit Publish
Updating Settings
- Tap on the Library Icon on the bottom-right of the screen
- Select the project you'd like to unlist to get to the Project Page
- Tap the
Triple Dot Icon next to the published revision and select Revision Settings
- Tap on Additional Settings and toggle the Unlisted switch on
- Hit Save
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