If I am in a Band or collaborating on BandLab, who owns the copyright?

As in real life, Band Members on BandLab share work material and make decisions collectively. Thus, it would definitely be a good idea for Band Members to have a clear, explicit and written understanding among themselves regarding ownership and other rights in Band Content, so that every Band Member knows what will happen if the Band breaks up, adds or loses Members, or wishes to license or commercialise its Content. It is recommended that you seek legal advice particularly if you think there is a possibility of you or your Band making commercial use of Band Content.

  1. Agreement between Band Members – It is a good idea for Band Members to have a clear, explicit and written understanding among themselves regarding ownership and other rights in Band Content, so that every Band Member knows what will happen if the Band breaks up, adds or loses Members, or wishes to license or commercialise its Content. It is recommended that you seek legal advice particularly if you think there is a possibility of you or your Band making commercial use of Band Content.
  2. Band Content – When you upload or create Content in a Band, you allow existing and future Band Members to copy, download, modify, play, perform and even potentially commercialise that Content. You should make sure you are comfortable with sharing your Content with Band Members in this way before you start to upload or create Content in a Band.
  3. Public / Private Band Content – All Band Content is set to “Private” by default, meaning that only existing Band Members can access it. If your Band has Content that it is ready to be published, any Band Member can change the setting on that Content to be “Public”.
  4. Forking Band Content – Any Band Member can change the setting on that Content to allow forks or be “forkable”. It is the Band’s responsibility to come to a clear agreement before making any Content “forkable”.
  5. Leaving the Band – If you are a Member of a Band and you leave the Band, Content which you have moved to or created in the Band remains available in the Band for use by the remaining and future Band Members. You cannot delete Band Content which has been uploaded to, created in, or posted to the Band even if it incorporates or is a modification of Content originally posted by you.
  6. Breaking Up a Band  Only the person designated as the Band Owner can break up or delete a Band. Once a Band is deleted, the band will cease to exist and all of the Band Content will be removed from BandLab. If you want to ensure your unrestricted access to Band Content, you will need to export and save Band Content to your own local device. This can be done regularly to be sure that you maintain an up-to-date version of Band Content.


You can read more about our Copyright policies here.



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