BandLab saves your projects to the cloud, but you can download your tracks to your device too!
Here's how to export as audio in BandLab Web for both privately & publicly published projects:
- Click on the Library Icon in the top navigation bar.
- Click the song you want to download.
- Click on the Download button.
- Here you can choose the audio formats that you wish to download your audio in.
Here's how to export as audio for both privately & publicly published projects:
Download Mixdown:
- Tap the Library Icon on the bottom right of your home feed.
- Under Projects, tap on the song you want to download.
- Tap on the Triple-Dot Icon located on the revision you wish to download.
- Tap on Download and select “Download as Audio/Video".
- Choose where you'd like to export your audio. (Note: You may need a file saving app similar to DropBox or Google Drive to save it directly onto your phone)
Download individual tracks:
- Tap the Library Icon on the bottom right of your home feed.
- Open the project in the Studio.
- Tap on the Faders Icon at the bottom left corner of the screen.
- Tap on the Triple-Dot Icon located on the track you wish to download.
- Tap “Export as Audio/MIDI". (Note: You may need a file saving app similar to DropBox or Google Drive to save it directly onto your phone)
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