Reporting copyright infringement and countering a copyright takedown notice

If you believe that copyright-protected work was posted on BandLab without authorization, you may submit a Copyright Notice by filling in the Copyright Notice Form here. Upon receipt of a valid Copyright Notice, BandLab will take reasonable steps to remove or disable access to the allegedly infringing material.

After removing or disabling access to the allegedly infringing material, BandLab will, as soon as possible, notify the person who made the allegedly infringing material available on the Services and provide the person with a copy of the relevant Copyright Notice.

If you are the person who made the allegedly infringing material available on the Services and you are notified by BandLab of the removal or disablement of access to this material, you may, within 6 weeks of being so notified, submit a valid Counter Notice by filling in the Counter Notice Form here. Upon receipt of a valid Counter Notice, BandLab will take reasonable steps to restore the material (if it is technically and practically feasible to do so) unless the copyright owner commences court proceedings to prevent the restoration of the material and BandLab is informed of such proceedings.

BandLab will only act upon receipt of a valid Copyright Notice or Counter Notice, and reserves the right not to entertain any correspondence if the Copyright Notice or Counter-Notice is not in the prescribed forms.

Please note that under the Singapore Copyright Act, if you are found to have made a false statement in your Copyright Notice or Counter Notice, you will be liable in damages to any party who suffers any loss/damage as a result of that notice. In addition, if convicted, you can be fined up to S$10,000 or be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years.

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