How do I make a report?

BandLab has guidelines to protect our users, outlined by the following: Forbidden Content, Spam, Self Promotion, Respect, Intellectual Property and Copyright.

Our Community Guidelines

We take reports very seriously at BandLab. False reports or spamming reports will result in the suspension or termination of your account. 

To Report a User 


  1. Go to the profile that you wish to report
  2. Click on the Triple Dot icon beneath the profile photo
  3. Choose Report
  4. Fill in your Email address and the details of the complaint (for what constitutes as inappropriate or banned behaviour based on our Community Guidelines)
  5. Click on Send once you’re done!



  1. Go to the profile that you wish to report
  2. Click on the Triple Dot icon at the top right of the screen
  3. Choose Report 
  4. Fill in details about why you think this user should be reported
  5. Tap on Send once you’re done!


To Report a Comment/Shout/Revision/Project/Chat Message*

  • You can select the Triple Dot Icon to make a Report  

*BandLab complies with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to privacy laws, and reviews reported chat messages strictly adhering to our Privacy Policy.

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