How do I loop sections and record in cycles?

Playing back a section continuously

mceclip0.png Cycle allows you to play a section of your project in a continuous loop. This can be helpful for practicing, songwriting, and mixing.

Web Mobile
  • Create a new Cycle: Click and drag on the Time Ruler 
  • Edit the Cycle area: Click and drag the start or the end of the Cycle
  • Disable Cycle: Click on the red Cycle area in the Time Ruler. Alternatively, click the mceclip0.png Cycle icon on the Transport Bar
  • Create a Cycle on a new region: Click and drag on the new region to create a new Cycle. The previous Cycle will be deleted. 
  1. When you press play, the playhead will snap to the start of the Cycle range
  2. When you press stop, the playhead will jump back to start of the Cycle
  3. When you press pause from the Transport Bar, the playhead will stop at the current position
  4. Press back to reset the playhead to the start of the Cycle 
  5. While the Cycle is active, you can still move the playhead to any position

Recording in Cycles

Otherwise known as comping, comp recording, or loop recording, you can record multiple takes in cycles on BandLab Web and select the best ones for you to use in your project! You can use a combination of different takes in your project, too. This feature is currently only available on BandLab Web. 

  1. On the Time Ruler, select the section you'd like to repeat and enable Cycle.pngCycle 
  2. Click the Record_button.png Record button to start recording
  3. Keep recording new takes with each cycle.
  4. Stop recording whenever you're done, right-click on the recorded audio region, and go to Select a Version
  5. Click on the Take you'd like to use in your song


Using different takes in a single project 

Each take is tied to the audio region itself, so you can copy and paste the region across different sections in the song, then repeat the same steps to select the version you want to use:

  1. Select the region and hit Ctrl + C on your keyboard, or right-click and select Copy 
  2. Go to the section of the song where you'd like the region to be and hit Ctrl + V on your keyboard or right-click on an empty space and select Paste
  3. Right-click on the newly pasted region and go to Select a Version
  4. Click on the preferred Take to select it

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