Your track was taken down for copyright infringement

As a general guide, here are some of the issues you might want to consider before uploading anything to BandLab:

For music uploads:

Are the following statements all true?

  • You composed the music.
  • You wrote the lyrics.
  • You recorded and produced the track yourself, or have permission from the producer or record label that made the recording.
  • You have written permission from all copyright owners to use any samples contained in the track.

Can you answer “no” to these questions?

  • Were you signed to a record label when you recorded the track?
  • Do you have a publishing deal?
  • Are you a member of a performing rights organisation or collecting society?
  • Have you licensed your track to anyone else?
  • Does the track contain the entirety or any part of someone else’s song(s) Is it based on someone else’s song(s)?

For other sounds, including field recordings, podcasts or voice messages, are the following statements all true?

  • The recording is unscripted, as opposed to being a script, play or book written by someone else.
  • It is a recording of your performance.
  • You made the recording.
  • You have the permission of every copyright holder to share the recording on BandLab.

Can you answer “no” to these questions?

  • Is the recording rehearsed or recited from a script, play or book written by someone else?
  • Does the recording contain any Content from other copyright works, such as movie dialogue?


You can read more about our Copyright policies here.


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